The Best ’80s Sci-Fi Horror Remake Is On Peacock

The Thing

The Thing features great writing and directing, but its phenomenal cast brings the characters to life, making them feel believable and selling the mounting paranoia. Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, Keith David, Richard Dysart, and Richard Masur all deliver stand-out performances, but the cast has no weak links. Everything from the research team hanging out early on to full-blown meltdowns in later scenes, feels believable and true to the characters. 

Another standout feature of The Thing is its incredible practical effects. The movie is full of grotesque body horror, such as a rib cage opening like a set of jaws to bite an arm off, or a decapitated head growing spider-like legs to try to skitter away. Using puppets, stop motion, and prosthetics, the visual effects have an otherworldly feel that works perfectly within the movie’s plot. 

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