The Classic Return Of The Jedi Scene That Makes No Sense

star wars movies

Weirdly enough, this absurdity is driven home by Jabba himself. Whenever he speaks in Return of the Jedi, he talks for long enough that it seems plausible he is really saying what we see in the subtitles.

And throughout the franchise, Chewbacca typically makes enough noise that it sounds like he really said whatever Han claims he said.

The disguised Leia is pretty much the only case in Star Wars where we are supposed to believe that repeating a single alien word is meant to convey a complete sentence.

Before anyone says it, we get it…nitpicking on this level is a bit crazy, but it’s nitpicking that comes from a place of love. After all, these are the kinds of things you only notice after watching Return of the Jedi so often that the VHS tape breaks.

We’re happy to have the Blu-ray now because compared to modern tripe like The Rise of the Skywalker, this final film of the Original Trilogy seems nearly flawless and worth endless rewatching.

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