The Scarlett Johansson Comedy That Deserves A Second Look, Stream Without Netflix

Cristina, however, moves in with Juan Antonio, and the two become lovers lost in the romance and rhythm of life and art. Scarlet Johansson sells these scenes in such a lovely way, it’s mesmerizing. Vicky Cristina Barcelona becomes even more beautiful when Juan Antonio’s volatile ex-wife, Maria Elena (the always brilliant Penelope Cruz) enters the scene.

It seems she tried to kill herself, and Juan Antonio goes to get her from the hospital and brings her back to his love nest with Cristina. In any other story, this interruption might lead to violence and chaos, but here, something different, something magical, happens.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona is, at its heart, a film about love, passion, and romance, and how they can be too much for some people, and what happens when you have too little of them in your life.

You come away after two hours of cinematic art with more questions than answers, and you’re totally okay with that. I think I’m going to go watch it again right now. You should, too. 

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