Johor causeway bike accident scam caught on camera

Johor causeway bike accident scam caught on camera

Another scam method has surfaced, through a video that has been circulating on Facebook. The footage uploaded appears to be from a 360-degree action camera, mounted to the motorcycle which appears to be Singapore-registered.

The 45-second video clip begins with the camera bike leaving the checkpoint, and the owner of the footage notes a number of Malaysian motorcyclists gathered at the roadside, just before the overhead signage. The 360-degree camera then shows the rearward-facing view, and shortly thereafter the rider of a Yamaha 135 LC overtakes very closely to the right-hand-side of the camera bike, the top case of the former then making contact with the latter.

Immediately, and before even both parties have come to a stop on the right-hand-side of the road, a third party on a Malaysian-registered scooter appears, and both the kapchai and the scooter rider appear to immediately begin accosting the rider of the camera bike.

Towards to end of the video, the owner of the footage notes that the two motorcyclists on the Malaysian-registered vehicles then left them alone after they were told that they have video proof of the incident.

As with a prior incident in Klang, opportunistic parties are willing to put themselves in harm’s way to scam an unwitting road user. There is little that can be done, save for supporting footage such as this, which means to install a camera such as the kind that provided the video here. For motorcycles, such equipment is completely exposed compared to dashcams fitted to cars, so the use and securing of these cameras will be a more involving process. However, if you can have these onboard your motorcycle, you should.

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