Taylor Swift Cancels Three Shows Amid Alleged Terror Threat

Taylor Swift Cancels Three Shows Amid Alleged Terror ThreatTaylor Swift Cancels Three Shows Amid Alleged Terror Threat

VIENNA, Austria (CelebrityAccess) — Taylor Swift has canceled multiple performances in Vienna after discovering that terrorists were allegedly planning an attack.

“With confirmation from government officials of a planned terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone’s safety,” a statement from Swift’s German promoter, Barracuda Music said.

Swift was scheduled to perform at Vienna’s Ernst-Happel-Stadion on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

According to NBC News, Vienna State Police Director Franz Ruf and Police Chief Gerhard Purstl said that Austrian federal and state police arrested a 19-year-old man with possible bomb-making material was arrested on Wednesday morning. Another man was arrested later n the day.

Officials said that both men were alleged to have been radicalized online with possible ISIS links and planned to attack the concerts and other targets around the city, NBC reported.

According to Barracuda, all tickets for the affected shows will be automatically refunded within 10 business days.

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