The Workplace Sitcom With Controversial Cast Better Than The Office


Though Dave is the news director in NewsRadio, he can hardly get a word in edge-wise with Phil Hartman’s Evelyn William “Bill” McNeal. If you’re a die-hard fan of golden-era Simpsons, you might remember him from his portrayal of TV personality Troy McLure, Lionel Hutz, and countless other guest spots before his tragic and untimely death.

Bill isn’t necessarily an antagonist in NewsRadio, but he certainly doesn’t make anything easy for anybody either, as his ego takes center stage whenever he’s on-screen. Constantly hogging the spotlight with what I can only describe as god-tier levels of scummy charm, Bill is a live-action avatar of Hartman’s work on The Simpsons dialed up to 11. Bill has an uncanny ability to recall incredibly traumatic events from his past in a way that comes off nostalgic and whimsical, turning him into a live-action cartoon character.

I’ll admit that NewsRadio dipped in quality after the void Hartman left behind, but John Lovitz did an excellent job trying to fill his shoes with Max, a character who is the exact opposite of Bill in every conceivable way, in season 5.

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