Aedy Fadly Ramli appointed JPJ D-G effective July 23

Aedy Fadly Ramli appointed JPJ D-G effective July 23

The road transport department (JPJ) has announced that it has appointed Aedy Fadly Ramli as its director general effective today, July 23, 2024.

Aedy Fadly has been appointed to the post having served as the department’s deputy director-general of planning and operations from 2021, and is experienced in strategic planning of policies, issues and systems related to road transport as well as operational planning for the JPJ, the department said in its statement.

The new director-general graduated from the Berlin University of Technology, Germany with a Masters degree of science in urban management, and based on his experience and leadership, Aedy Fadly is expected to continue to drive the excellence of the JPJ as the main agency regulating road transport affairs in Malaysia, the department’s statement continued.

Aedy Fadly succeeds Datuk Rospiagos Taha, who held the position of JPJ director-general since June 19, 2023.

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