Avowed’s Possible Endings “Number In The Double Digits”

Avowed, the Xbox console-exclusive RPG from Obsidian, will have numerous different endings that will “number in the double digits,” according to game director Carrie Patel.

Patel sat down with IGN for an interview as part of Gamescom, during which she was asked how many endings players can expect from the first-person fantasy RPG.

“That is very hard to say, but I can tell you our ending slides number in the double digits,” Patel said. “And you can end up with a lot of different combinations of them. This is an Obsidian game, so your ending is really the sum total of your choices across the game, across a lot of pieces of content depending on what you encountered and what you did when you found it.”

What Patel describes sounds similar to endings in other RPGs like Fallout (of which Obsidian has experience working on, having developed Fallout: New Vegas), where a slideshow of different consequences play out at the end of the game showing the results of a player’s actions as they pertain to different factions, storylines, and characters.

Patel further elaborated more on the choices players will be making in Avowed.

“There are a lot of choices to be made about where your true loyalties lie, who your allegiance is with in the endgame,” Patel said. “We’re really excited for players to explore those possibilities and build their own story.”

Obsidian is putting a big emphasis on Avowed’s companion characters, having recently revealed the voice cast for the group of characters players will be teaming up with over the course of the fantasy adventure. One of them, Kai, is voiced by Brandon Keener, whom RPG fans will remember played Garrus Vakarian in BioWare’s Mass Effect series.

Avowed was originally slated for a 2024 release but was recently delayed to February 15, 2025 to “give players’ backlogs some breathing room,” according to Xbox.

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