Chris Pine Knows How To Save Star Trek And He’s 100% Right

star trek movie

With what appeared to be genuine humility and grace, Chris Pine then described how the “The [Star Trek] fanbase has always been very kind to me.”

He sees this as a rich fandom that has always done right by him, and now he wants to do right by the fans. Only time will tell, though, if the studio will do the same.

As for us, we’d love to see Chris Pine and crew return for a scaled-back Star Trek 4—certainly, an intimate adventure with this cast sounds much more fun than Paramount’s plan for yet another Star Trek origin film.

Plus, with the franchise running the Mirror Universe into the ground, the Kelvinverse is arguably the most exciting alternate reality the franchise still has. Here’s hoping it makes a return before all of Star Trek disappears (ahem) into darkness under Paramount’s leadership.

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