Dark Netflix Horror Thriller Will Make You Afraid Of The Dark

Generally speaking, critics agree with that assessment: on Rotten Tomatoes, Midnight Mass currently has an 87 percent critical rating. Critics generally praised the show for its powerful performances and understated direction which allows the themes of grief and faith to shine through even the bleakest episodes.

And while the seven-episode series is admittedly a slow burn, the narrative payoffs (each crazier than the one before) are completely worth the wait.

As for me, I’m a true believer (as it were) of Midnight Mass. This was my first experience with Mike Flanagan’s style of storytelling (I know, I know, they’re gonna take my horror card away), and I was completely blown away by a show that could be filled with so much style and substance.

I haven’t been excited about a horror show since NBC’s Hannibal, and with respect to Dr. Lecter, this show gives fans plenty more to (ahem) chew on by the time it’s over. 

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