Hated Star Trek Character Hilariously Makes Fun Of Himself

Wesley crusher

As for Wil Wheaton, he was no stranger to fans openly hating his character. Perhaps as a self-defense mechanism, he developed quite a self-deprecating sense of humor, and he wasn’t afraid to use Wesley Crusher’s onscreen misadventures to poke fun at himself. For example, he revealed on the “Intergalactic Guest Stars” special on the Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5 DVD set that he would often use Wesley’s plight to mock his own love life to the delight of audiences at fan conventions.

“I used to get a lot of mileage out of this joke I’d tell at conventions,” the actor began. “The first girl that Wesley fell in love with turned out to be a shape-shifter who turned into a hideous monster, y’know after he had exposed his soul to her. Which happened a lot to me in my personal life.”

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