How To Make An Anvil In Minecraft

An Anvil is one of the more underrated pieces of equipment you can craft in Minecraft. It allows you to repair items that have lost durability as well as rename items to make them easier to find in your inventory or at your base. To see how to make an Anvil in Minecraft, check out the guide below.

Making an Anvil in Minecraft

Fortunately, an Anvil only requires one main resource to craft it. However, you need to have a plentiful amount of that one resource on hand. The lone resource required to craft an Anvil is an Iron Ingot. While Iron Ingots are fairly common, you need a whopping 31 of them in total to craft a single Anvil. You can see the exact recipe below:

  • At a crafting table, place three Blocks of Iron across the top row and then place one Iron Ingot in the center box and three across the bottom row
Minecraft Anvil recipe
Minecraft Anvil recipe

Though you technically only need four Iron Ingots for the actual Anvil recipe, the Blocks of Iron are made up of the ingots. Specifically, it takes nine total Iron Ingots to craft a single Block of Iron in Minecraft. As such, since you need three Blocks of Iron, you need 27 total Iron Ingots to craft the blocks. Then, you need the four actual Iron Ingots to round out the crafting recipe for the Anvil.

Once you have the Anvil, it can be placed anywhere in your base like any other equipment block. It’s recommended to keep the Anvil near your crafting supplies, though, as you’ll often use the Anvil to repair tools, weapons, and armor. All of this repairing requires the use of additional materials, so you’ll want those nearby.

And that’s all there is to crafting and using an Anvil in Minecraft. It’s a simple, yet somewhat grueling process to acquire one, but it’s worth it never to have to worry about durability again.

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