Hulu Sci-Fi Horror Crossover Could’ve Been So Much More

Part of the backstory of Alien vs Predator is that the two have been fighting for millennia, at the very least. Ancient humans worshipped the Predators and offered themselves as sacrifices to birth the Xenomorphs the Predators would hunt. So these guys should know more about Xenomorphs than anyone.

And yet in almost every Alien vs Predator fight between Xenomorph and crab-faced hunter, the latter depend almost solely on melee weapons.

Remember how Xenomorphs have acid for blood, so killing them can be just as fatal for the killer as it is for the alien? And, you know, this would make you think you would want to be as far from the Xenomorphs as possible when you kill them?

Well the hunters who have been hunting the Xenomorphs for thousands of years, you would assume, would be aware of this.

Yet in most fights they use only their melee weapons to attack the Xenomorphs, and in at least one case express actual surprise when their stupid weapons melt.

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