Hulu World War II Blockbuster Portrays Greatest Battle Of The Pacific


Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, America was thrown into a war that it desperately tried to stay out of. With over 2,000 military personnel killed in the attack, the U.S. almost had no choice but to throw its hat into the ring of the second World War. Just six months later, U.S. forces met the Japanese military head-on in a battle that proved to be a vital stepping stone to reaching the war’s finish line.

On June 3, 1942, Japanese aircraft carriers attacked the island of Midway, which was the home to a U.S. base. Over the course of the next four days, the two countries engage in heavy combat, resulting in severe losses for Japan, which was then forced to retreat. America’s ability to repel Japan’s attacks prevented the small island nation from continuing its rapid growth and eventually led to Japan’s loss in the war.

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