Iconic Hamburg Molotow Club Saved From Closure

Iconic Hamburg Molotow Club Saved From ClosureIconic Hamburg Molotow Club Saved From Closure

Molotow Club (Photo Credit: Michael Rauhe)

HAMBURG, DE (CelebrityAccess) – After months of searching, Hamburg’s iconic cultural club Molotow has found a new location—right down the street from the current one. “At the beginning of the year, we will move to Reeperbahn 136, where the Beatles and the Liverbirds played when it was still the Top Ten Club,” announced Andi Schmidt, the club’s manager.

Currently, the building at number 136 houses the Moondoo Club, which, according to Hamburg’s cultural office, will close on December 31, 2024. The Hamburg Creative Society is set to take over the building and rent it to Molotow’s operator until 2037. The Hamburg Creative Society’s business manager, Egbert Rühl, said they want to secure the site for long-term club use and create a space for the creative industry.

Just before Christmas 2023, Molotow received an eviction notice from its current landlord because a hotel was supposed to be built at the Nobistor address. Schmidt stated at the time that this was the third time in ten years that the club had had to yield to investors’ interests. Thousands of people demonstrated to preserve the cultural institution under the slogan “Molotow must stay.” And it appears that now, it will.

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