JPJ told to take immediate action to improve its level of service, cut down on waiting time for customers

JPJ told to take immediate action to improve its level of service, cut down on waiting time for customers

The road transport department (JPJ) has been instructed to improve its services and cut down on the lengthy waiting time for customers. The call was made by the chief secretary to the government (KSN), Datuk Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar, following a surprise visit to the JPJ headquarters in Putrajaya yesterday.

In a Facebook post, Shamsul said he found the work process and the waiting time for customers to be quite lengthy. “Therefore, I have instructed the secretary-general of the transport ministry and the JPJ director-general to find a suitable method to reduce waiting times,” he wrote.

He added that the waiting area (of the Putrajaya office) needs to be improved so as to be more conducive and customer-friendly, as there were broken chairs and a lack of fans. Shansul said he had instructed that action be taken immediately within a week.

He said that the surprise visit to inspect the JPJ office was to see how its operations and services were faring following the department’s move to extend counter operating hours by an hour in selected states, starting from August 19.

In his post, Shamsul expressed his gratitude to JPJ staff for their hard work in delivering service to customers, and urged all government departments to ensure that they offered the best possible service to the public.

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