Marvel Couldn’t Recast Kang And Had To Pivot To Doctor Doom?

MCU death

Villains are only as good as they’re written, meaning there is nothing inherently wrong with Kang as a bad guy. Sure, Jonathan Majors’ real-life legal troubles tainted the role, but Marvel could have done damage control.

All they had to do was switch directions with Kang, not replace him with Doctor Doom. Recast the role, write some better material, and build upon what already exists to make him a formidable foe.

If Feige still wanted something close to that RDJ reaction, he could have cast someone like Denzel Washington to play Kang. Or heck, bring back Michael B. Jordan. It would be easier to explain him as Kang than Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom.

But no, let’s rename Avengers5 from The Kang Dynasty to Doomsday. The only way I’ll be satisfied with this new development is if they pull a Poochie to swap out Kang for Doctor Doom. “Where’s Kang?” “He died on the way back to his home planet.”

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