Nebula electric scooters to enter ASEAN market soon?

Nebula electric scooters to enter ASEAN market soon?

Nebula Model G

Entering the ASEAN electric scooter market in the near future is the Nebula line of premium electric scooters from China. Coming under the Aurora brand of electric vehicles, Nebula is currently holding discussions to locate an assembly plant in ASEAN, a source close to the project told

There are currently two models in the Nebula line-up, the Model G and the Model M, with differing battery and electric motor capacities. Pricing for the ASEAN market has not been determined as yet and will depend on country but in China, the Model M is priced at 3,400 USD and the Model G at 4,580 USD, ex-factory.

Typically, electric scooters from China have trended towards the lower end of performance, typically in the 125 cc to 150 cc equivalent class. This is due to legislation in China restricting electric scooters to speeds below 50 km/h in urban areas.

Nebula electric scooters to enter ASEAN market soon?

Nebula Model M

However, Aurora is designing electric vehicles for export, where performance levels are rather higher and its vehicles are built to a premium standard. In the case of the Model M and Model G, Nebula boasts of higher maximum speed and range.

The Model M has a top speed of 120 km/h with a rage of approximately 200 km. It achieves this with a pair of 72 Volt 90 Ah batteries driving a 12 kW mid-mounted motor with belt drive to the rear wheel.

Meanwhile, the Model G comes with a pair of 72 Volt 150 Ah batteries rated at 10.8 kWh and a 20 kW motor. Maximum speed for the Model G is 150 km/h with an approximate travel range of 300 km/h.

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