Netflix Marvel Movie From Legendary Director Deserves A Second Chance

Now, for a moment of honesty: when I first watched Spider-Man 3, I thought of it as a disappointment, but after my recent rewatch, my opinion of it has only grown over the ensuing years. The movie isn’t nearly as bad as everyone says it is, and it mostly suffers from comparison to Spider-Man 2, which, again, might very well be the best superhero film ever made.

I realize you’re probably skeptical, but let’s be honest: what else are you going to watch when Deadpool & Wolverine leaves you wanting more Marvel content? Disney would have you believe that your only choices are to stream either some cinematic slop or some televised slop. But once you stream Spider-Man 3 on Netflix, you’ll realize a better alternative was always here, and Sam Raimi, at his worst, is often better than Kevin Feige at his best.

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