One-Punch Man Season 3: When It’s Happening And Where You Can Watch It

By Rick Gonzales
| Published

one-punch man season 3 release

For those counting, and we know there are quite a few of you out there, it has been over four years since the final episode in season 2 of One-Punch Man aired. While this doesn’t come as major breaking news seeing as that it was numerous years between season 1 and season 2, it has left fans wondering – when will One Punch Man season 3 be released?

One-Punch Man Season 3 Is Happening

It took three years after the end of season 2, but One-Punch Man Season 3 was officially confirmed on August 18, 2022. This confirmation came directly from Chikashi Kubota, the character designer for the first two seasons of One-Punch Man.

With his confirmation, Kubota also included a new artwork for the upcoming third season.

While this news is sure to excite fans, especially after the length between seasons, the news isn’t all that great. Patience, as you are finding out, is a virtue.

One Punch Man Season 3 Release Date

Meaning, season 3 of One-Punch Man is not expected to premiere at least until late 2024. Even then, there is no set date for when in 2024 it can be expected.

According to sources close to the Japanese production of One-Punch Man, season 3 has been delayed by the COVID pandemic. These sources claim that the pandemic caused significant delays in production, but it is also said that production has begun on the popular anime.

However, the pandemic is now pretty far in the rear-view, so it seems a thin excuse for no delivering the rest of their hit anime show.

One-Punch Man Season 3 Should Stream On Hulu

Both of the first two seasons of One-Punch Man were seen on Hulu and if you need a refresher course before season 3 finally arrives, they still can be seen on Hulu. With that in mind, and with the series being such a monster hit, you can expect season 3 to also be seen on Hulu.

It’ll also likely be available on Crunchyroll, once season 3 of the series finally releases.

It Is A Japanese Manga Series

One-Punch Man began as a popular Japanese superhero manga series that was created by Japanese artist One. It tells the story of an Earth that has turned into a supercontinent filled with superheroes and powerful monsters. This version of Earth has four moons.

Saitama is one such superhero who has grown bored with his power. He has the ability to defeat any and all opponents with one single punch. Because of this, he feels his life is void of challenge, and he is right. Prior to Saitama becoming One-Punch Man, it was his ultimate goal to be the greatest superhero that ever lived. To get to that point, he trained relentlessly for three years. But during this intense training, Saitama went from a full head of hair trainee to a bald superhero. The training caused him to lose his luscious locks.

Now, after getting what he wished and trained for, Saitama has found out that being a superhero with one-punch power is not what it’s cracked up to be. He feels there is no challenge, no one can beat him, so why even bother anymore? Saitama is in need of a spark.

One-Punch Man Season 1


Season 1 of One-Punch Man follows the titular hero as he is in search of a reason to be a superhero. His reason comes in the form of Genos, a cyborg who is on a revenge mission against another cyborg who killed Genos’s family. Saitama becomes a mentor of sorts to Genos after taking out a monster who had beaten Genos.

The pair begin their heroic adventures, taking on monsters to gain more notoriety. Together, Saitama and Genos join the Hero Association after Saitama expresses shock that his name and exploits as One-Punch Man are not as well known as he feels they should be.

Shock leads to depression for Saitama when he tests to enter the Hero Association. He tests off the charts for his physical prowess, but he fares poorly on the written portion. While Genos receives an S-Class ranking, Saitama only receives a C-Class.

As season 1 moves forward, Saitama continues his search for any type of challenge to his one-punch power. His travels will take him and Genos to different worlds fighting an array of monsters, many of who claim to match Saitama’s power. Does Saitama eventually find the challenge he seeks?

Season 1 of One-Punch Man was a critical hit with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 100 percent.

Season 2

One Punch Man season 3

It took three and a half years for season 2 to arrive, but when it did, fans were chomping at the bit to see where Saitama’s exploits would take him. Although the anime was fresh, the action was crisp, and the jokes were just as funny as in season 1, the main complaint surrounding season 2 was that too much story was being forced into such a short timeframe.

Seasons one and two took on the first 85 chapters of the manga (around 16 volumes) although the bloat seems to come mainly in season 2. Many new heroes and monsters were introduced and season 2 seemed to veer away slightly from Saitama to focus on the monster Garou, who looks to settle a personal vendetta against all heroes.

One-Punch Man Season 3 Plot Is Still Unknown

One Punch Man season 3 plot

Now that we know One-Punch Man season 3 is officially on the way, what can we expect to see? Although the announcement came back in August 2022, there was no hint of the direction it would take.

Of course, with season 2 ending with the state of Garou still undecided, you can expect him to be a focal point of the third season. The big question will be if One-Punch Man will continue to veer away from Saitama or get back into his story. It will be interesting to see the direction they take.

The first season of One-Punch Man was produced at Madhouse animation studios under the direction of Shingo Natsume. Tomohiro Suzuki wrote the first season, and the character designs were done by artist Chikashi Kubota.

When season 2 was finally up and rolling, it was with a new production company and director. J. C. Staff animated the second season while Chikara Sakurai took over the directing duties. Suzuki returned as the series scribe.

For both the first and second seasons, Max Mittelman provided the English voice for Saitama. Zach Aguilar played Genos and Greg Chun played Garou. All three are expected to return to their respective roles for season 3 of One-Punch Man.

There Could Be A One-Punch Man Feature Film

One Punch Man season 3

With as popular a manga and anime as One-Punch Man has been to this point, you had to figure that Hollywood would be looking to cash in. Well, you wouldn’t be wrong. Sony Pictures bought the rights to One-Punch Man and now has designs on turning it into a live-action franchise.

The company has chosen former Fast and Furious director Justin Lin to take on the first film in the possible franchise. They have also brought on scribes Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinker to write the script, though Lin will also put pen to paper in helping craft the story.

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