Remedy And Annapurna Strike A Deal To Expand Control And Alan Wake Franchises

Five years ago, Remedy Entertainment made a splash with Control, but the developer had to go through 505 Games to publish the game. Now, Remedy has struck a deal with Annapurna that will not only bring Control 2 to fruition, but it may also lead to films and TV shows based on the games and Remedy’s other signature title, Alan Wake.

As announced on Remedy’s official site, the company’s new pact with Annapurna will allow it to co-finance and self-publish Control 2. Remedy also promised that the deal means the company “is able to make Control 2 exactly the game we want it to be, while we now also have an incredible partner to extend our IPs to other mediums.” The developer reiterated that Control 2 is in the works, but no further details were revealed.

As part of the announcement, Annapurna’s president of Interactive and New Media, Hector Sanchez, shared his belief that Remedy’s titles can go even further into other mediums.

“This deal with Remedy isn’t just about adapting great games–it’s about breaking new ground in how companies can collaborate,” said Sanchez in a statement. “By backing Remedy’s move toward self-publishing, we’re putting our faith in their vision. We know from experience that Remedy is a first-class games development partner, and we’re excited to share their work with an even wider audience by bringing the Control and Alan Wake universes to film, television and beyond.”

At this stage, there’s no word on when the potential Alan Wake or Control adaptations will go forward. Control 2 is currently without a release date, but the announcement reiterated that Remedy is also developing a slate of games beyond that title. Among the games that we know about are remakes of Max Payne 1 & 2, as well as a multiplayer spin-off of Control that is codenamed Condor.

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