Star Trek Movie Most Worth Skipping Isn’t The Worst

Star Trek: the motion picture special effects

In recent years, more fans have been giving Star Trek: The Motion Picture a second chance. Some of them have concluded that, in truth, TMP is the only “real” Star Trek movie. It is, the argument goes, the only Trek movie that stays true to Gene Roddenberry’s vision, and that actually feels like an episode of The Original Series.

There’s some merit there, but I have two responses.

First, when it comes to films based on properties that were originally television series, there’s nothing more disappointing than a movie that just feels like the creators took an episode, made it longer, and spent more money. A perfect example is 1998’s Star Trek: Insurrection, which feels like nothing but a slightly longer episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Second, while conceptually Star Trek: The Motion Picture may be more like an episode of The Original Series, it doesn’t feel like one. It’s slow, boring, and insults your intelligence the same way Zack Snyder’s constant slo-mo does—-letting you know with each long, snooze-worthy shot, “you’re too dumb to realize this is important on your own.”

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