The Batman Actor Never Matters


I make an exception when it comes to TV Batman actors, because in that case we’re talking about long term casting and performances for media coming out on a regular basis, rather than one blockbuster every few years.

In these latter cases, I don’t even understand when people ask “who’s your favorite Batman?”

Who cares?

When I saw Tim Burton’s Batman eight times in the theater, it had nothing to do with Michael Keaton’s performance as Batman, and everything to do with Jack Nicholson’s contagiously hilarious performance as the Joker.

When I watch 2007’s The Dark Knight, it isn’t Christian Bale’s fight scenes I’m tempted to fast forward to, it’s Heath Ledger as the Joker in the GCPD interrogation room, or later when he crashes Harvey Dent’s hospital room.

If you love Batman Returns, it isn’t the lead actor who you remember best—it’s Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman or Danny DeVito as the Penguin. If you love Batman Forever and try to convince anyone it doesn’t have more to do with Jim Carrey as The Riddler than anything else, you’re a big fibber and there’s nothing else to it.

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