The Fantasy Epic Masterpiece On Prime Video From A Genius Director

If you saw The Dark Crystal as a child, chances are the vile Skeksis are permanently burnt into your brain. Being mentally scarred by the grotesque beasts is a common shared trauma of Xennials everywhere.

Just uttering “Mmmm, Gelfling!” around my wife is enough to make her shudder in disgust.

There is a prophecy that a third race of small, elven creatures, called the Gelflings, will be the Skeksis’s downfall. As a result, the Skeksis murder all but two Gelflings who are hidden from them by the peaceful Mystics.

These two Gelflings, Jen and Kira, are tasked with finding the missing shard of the dark crystal and repairing the gem. Once they do, the Mystics and Skeksis will again morph together into a single race.

I admit that The Dark Crystal‘s biggest flaw is its lack of accessibility. There’s a reason why similar films feature a normal human getting sucked into an otherworldly realm. Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz exists as an audience surrogate. In Labyrinth, Sarah is just as unfamiliar with Jareth’s world as we are. Alice learns the rules of Wonderland at the same time the viewer does.

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