The Most Chaotic Family Movie Of All Time Hits Netflix

Dr. Seuss’ widow was apparently so disgusted with the final cut of The Cat in the Hat that she permanently cancelled all future live action adaptations of Suess’ work, halting plans for an ill-conceived sequel in the process.

Personally, I feel that knowing this information beforehand makes for a significantly better viewing experience, since it allows you to take in the craziness without verbally demanding “what in the world is going on right now?” every five minutes.

Still, the film is far from perfect, which explains why it currently touts an abysmal 10 percent critic score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Those interested in catching this dumpster fire can stream The Cat in the Hat on Netflix as of August 1.

If you want my recommendation, gather some friends and turn the chaotic movie into a so-bad-it’s-good viewing experience, and don’t go in expecting a well-made adaptation of your favorite children’s book.

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