The Worst Star Trek Movie Secretly Connects To The Best TNG Episode

Now, why is all of this Star Trek: Nemesis math important, and where does “Yesterday’s Enterprise” come in? At first glance, it makes sense that the Romulans would want to clone and replace Captain Picard…after all, he is an influential Starfleet officer who commands the Federation flagship. However, based on the dates provided by Nemesis, it seems like Shinzon was created sometime in the 2350s, and Picard didn’t take command of the Enterprise-D until 2363.

Star Trek: Nemesis implies that this clone plan was both complex and ambitious, and that brings up an obvious question: why would they have wanted to clone Picard a decade or more before he became so important? There are many possibilities, but the most tantalizing one is that the Romulans had future knowledge of how important Picard would become. As for how they could know, that goes back to the classic TNG episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise.”

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