Underrated Nicolas Cage Movie On Streaming Is A Midlife Crisis Worth Watching

Nicolas Cage The Weather Man

Being treated like a local celebrity novelty item isn’t the main source of conflict in Nicolas Cage’s The Weather Man, however, as he’s recently divorced and doesn’t even have anybody to go home to after a hard day’s harassment. Living in an apartment by himself, what truly pains David is that his wife, Noreen (Hope Davis), has already found a new partner in Russ (Michael Rispoli), who quickly becomes the new father figure to his children, Mike (Nicholas Hoult) and Shelly (Gemmenne de la Peña). Shelly gets bullied at school and has taken to shop-lifting, and Mike’s relationship with his counselor, Don Bowden (Gil Bellows), seems problematic, but David isn’t close enough to his family to put his finger on why.

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