The Acolyte Cancellation Deepens Franchise’s Greatest Mystery

In the first season of The Acolyte, we get only the barest glimpse of Darth Plagueis. In the show’s final episode, he was literally creeping and peeping around the planet where Qimir recruited Osha as his apprentice, and he watched the two take off.

We never found out why he was there or what his whole deal was, and now that the show has been canceled, it sounds like we never will.

Long before The Acolyte came out, Darth Plagueis was mentioned by Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. As Palpatine tells a rapt Anakin Skywalker, Plagueis was a powerful Sith who had mastered a Force art that could allow him to live forever.

Ironically enough, this didn’t keep Palpatine from killing the man in his sleep (a fact he omits while talking to Anakin Skywalker) and taking his place as the head Sith in charge.

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